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estrenos de cine

Richard O'Brien

Richard O'Brien

Richard O'Brien


Filmografía como intérprete:

Night Train (2009)
    ...T.O.: Night Train

Elvira´s Haunted Hills (2001)
    ...T.O.: Elvira's Haunted Hills

Dragones y Mazmorras (2000)
    ...T.O.: Dungeons & Dragons

Dark City (1998)
    ...T.O.: Dark City

Tierra de lobos (1989)
    ...T.O.: The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

Revolución (1985)
    ...T.O.: Revolution

Shock Treatment (1981)
    ...T.O.: Shock Treatment

Flash Gordon (1980)
    ...T.O.: Flash Gordon

Los niños que sabían demasiado (1980)
    ...T.O.: The Kids Who Knew Too Much

Jubilee (1978)
    ...T.O.: Jubilee

Grupo suicida (1976)
    ...T.O.: High Velocity

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
    ...T.O.: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

El ladrón que vino a cenar (1973)
    ...T.O.: The Thief Who Came to Dinner

Acosados (1972)
    ...T.O.: The Loners

La amenaza de Andrómeda (1971)
    ...T.O.: The Andromeda Strain

Pieces of Dreams (1970)
    ...T.O.: Pieces of Dreams

Noche de titanes (1967)
    ...T.O.: Rough Night in Jericho

La camara de los horrores (1966)
    ...T.O.: Chamber of Horrors

Filmografía como guionista:

Shock Treatment (1981)
    ...T.O.: Shock Treatment

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
    ...T.O.: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

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