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estrenos de cine

Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson

Richard Anderson


Filmografía como intérprete:

Breakout (1998)
    ...T.O.: Breakout

En el lago del bosque (1996)
    ...T.O.: In the Lake of the Woods

The Glass Shield (1994)
    ...T.O.: The Glass Shield

Los niños de Stepford (1987)
    ...T.O.: The Stepford Children

El regreso del hombre y la mujer (1987)
    ...T.O.: The Return of the Six-Million-Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman

Piratas submarinos (1978)
    ...T.O.: Sharks

Una mujer espera (1971)
    ...T.O.: Columbo: Lady in Waiting

Hospital hora cero (1971)
    ...T.O.: Doctors' Wives

Macho callahan (1970)
    ...T.O.: Macho Callahan

Plan diabólico (1966)
    ...T.O.: Seconds

Como en una pesadilla (1964)
    ...T.O.: Kitten with a Whip

Siete días de Mayo (1964)
    ...T.O.: Seven Days in May

Nido de águilas (1963)
    ...T.O.: A Gathering of Eagles

Johnny "el frio (1963)
    ...T.O.: Johnny Cool

Comando del pacifico (1960)
    ...T.O.: The Wackiest Ship in the Army

Impulso criminal (1959)
    ...T.O.: Compulsion

El largo y cálido verano (1958)
    ...T.O.: The Long, Hot Summer

Senderos de gloria (1957)
    ...T.O.: Paths of Glory

Planeta prohibido (1956)
    ...T.O.: Forbidden Planet

Tres chicas con suerte (1954)
    ...T.O.: Give a Girl a Break

El príncipe estudiante (1954)
    ...T.O.: The Student Prince

Fort Bravo (1953)
    ...T.O.: Escape from Fort Bravo

La mujer soñada (1953)
    ...T.O.: Dream Wife

Tres amores (1953)
    ...T.O.: The Story of Three Loves

Scaramouche (1952)
    ...T.O.: Scaramouche

A por todas (1951)
    ...T.O.: Go for Broke!

Más alla del Missouri (1951)
    ...T.O.: Across the Wide Missouri

Cause for Alarm! (1951)
    ...T.O.: Cause for Alarm!

El caso o'hara (1951)
    ...T.O.: The People Against O'Hara

La egoista (1951)
    ...T.O.: Payment on Demand

Rich, Young and Pretty (1951)
    ...T.O.: Rich, Young and Pretty

The Magnificent Yankee (1950)
    ...T.O.: The Magnificent Yankee

La perla (1947)
    ...T.O.: La perla

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

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