Símbolo de Cinestrenos.com

estrenos de cine

Derek Jacobi

Derek Jacobi

Derek Jacobi


Filmografía como intérprete:

Encontrarás dragones (2011)
    ...T.O.: There Be Dragons

Templario (2011)
    ...T.O.: Ironclad

El discurso del rey (2010)
    ...T.O.: The King's Speech

Endgame (2009)
    ...T.O.: Endgame

Adam Resurrected (2008)
    ...T.O.: Adam Resurrected

Anastezsi (2007)
    ...T.O.: Anastezsi

The Riddle (2007)
    ...T.O.: The Riddle

Arritmia (2007)
    ...T.O.: Arritmia

Pinochet in Suburbia (2006)
    ...T.O.: Pinochet in Suburbia

Underworld: Evolution (2006)
    ...T.O.: Underworld: Evolution

Cuerdas (2004)
    ...T.O.: Strings

Amenaza de tormenta (2002)
    ...T.O.: The Gathering Storm

Two Men Went To War (2002)
    ...T.O.: Two Men Went to War

The Body (2001)
    ...T.O.: The Body

Gladiador (2000)
    ...T.O.: Gladiator

El misterio de la villa (2000)
    ...T.O.: Up at the Villa

Jasón y los Argonautas en Busca del Vellocino de Oro (2000)
    ...T.O.: Jason and the Argonauts

Molokai: La historia del Padre Damián (1999)
    ...T.O.: Molokai: The Story of Father Damien

El amor es el diablo (1998)
    ...T.O.: Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon

Basil (1998)
    ...T.O.: Basil

Rompiendo normas (1996)
    ...T.O.: Breaking the Code

Aladdin (1992)
    ...T.O.: Aladdin

Morir todavía (1991)
    ...T.O.: Dead Again

Enrique V (1989)
    ...T.O.: Henry V

Little Dorrit (1988)
    ...T.O.: Little Dorrit

Enigma (1983)
    ...T.O.: Enigma

El jorobado de Notre Dame (1982)
    ...T.O.: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Nimh, el mundo secreto de la Sra. Bisby (1982)
    ...T.O.: The Secret of NIMH

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (1980)
    ...T.O.: Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

El factor humano (1979)
    ...T.O.: The Human Factor

Alarma: catástrofe (1978)
    ...T.O.: The Medusa Touch

Odessa (1974)
    ...T.O.: The Odessa File

Chacal (1973)
    ...T.O.: The Day of the Jackal

Tres hermanas (1970)
    ...T.O.: Three Sisters

Othello (1965)
    ...T.O.: Othello

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

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