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estrenos de cine

Andreas Katsulas

Andreas Katsulas

Andreas Katsulas


Filmografía como intérprete:

Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark (2007)
    ...T.O.: Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark

Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight (2002)
    ...T.O.: Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight

Un trozo del paraíso (2000)
    ...T.O.: A Piece of Eden

Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998)
    ...T.O.: Babylon 5: In the Beginning

Decisión crítica (1996)
    ...T.O.: Executive Decision

El fugitivo (1993)
    ...T.O.: The Fugitive

Babylon 5: La reunión (1993)
    ...T.O.: Babylon 5: The Gathering

Seducción: tres historias del santuario interior (1992)
    ...T.O.: Seduction: Three Tales from the 'Inner Sanctum'

Echele la culpa al botones (1992)
    ...T.O.: Blame It on the Bellboy

¿Blanco o negro? (1991)
    ...T.O.: True Identity

Se cobraron siete vidas (1990)
    ...T.O.: Murder Times Seven

La muerte de La Masa (1990)
    ...T.O.: The Death of the Incredible Hulk

Con su propia ley (1989)
    ...T.O.: Next of Kin

Communion (1989)
    ...T.O.: Communion

Asesinato en Beverly Hills (1988)
    ...T.O.: Sunset

La sombra del testigo (1987)
    ...T.O.: Someone to Watch Over Me

El siciliano (1987)
    ...T.O.: The Sicilian

Serie negra (1979)
    ...T.O.: Série noire

Las caras de la semana

George Clooney

Esta semana, Clooney protagoniza The Descendants.

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